Eligibility & Exam Process – ROHT

Registration with the CRBOH is through examination. Exams are administered semi-annually.

Please be advised that the 2024 ROHT® examination dates are:

March 30, 2024 (application deadline is February 1, 2024)

October 5, 2024 (application deadline is August 1, 2024)

The applications for the ROHT® examination processes must be received by the CRBOH before the deadline to be considered for eligibility to challenge the exam in that same year.

Applications for the examination will not be reviewed until all the information has been received by the Registrar: An application is considered complete when the following has been forwarded to CRBOH:

  1. Completed and signed candidate application form
  2. Copies of education transcripts
  3. Payment of application fee ($350)
  4. Professional references sent from all required references.

Note that upon review of application, additional information may be requested by CRBOH in support of the application.

Eligibility for a CRBOH examination is only determined through the CRBOH application process only.  CRBOH does not review information provided by potential candidates prior to submission of an application.

Applicants with an active Canadian Registered Safety Technologist (CRT) designation are able to
bypass some of the application/eligibility process. Applicants must provide:
1. CRST number and full name associated with it
2. Completed and signed application form (Note: experience and reference section not required)
3. Copy of certificate or transcript (not required to be an official/notarized version)
4. Payment of application fee ($350)

ROHT® Examination Details

The ROHT® examination is a one day written examination consisting of multiple choice, short answer and essay questions. The multiple choice section consists of approximately 150 questions, all of equal value. Marks are given only for correct answers. In the remaining portion of the exam, candidates will be presented with short answer and essay questions. All questions must be answered. Point form answers are not acceptable.

Candidates for the ROHT® examination are expected to be familiar with a broad range of occupational hygiene topics, including:

  • Basic background science (chemistry, physics, mathematics, anatomy, and physiology)-regulations, legislation and other standard setting bodies (Canada Labour Code, Provincial Health and Safety Legislation, CSA).
  • Recognition of hazards and their effects (chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic stressors).
  • Evaluation (field sampling instruments and strategies, exposure limits, hygiene calculations).
  • Control (engineering, administrative, personal protective equipment). Miscellaneous (training, planning/policy, labour relations).