RM Guide

We are pleased to provide a new online submission system for your maintenance points, which will replace the previous system of emailing us an excel or word document. Members are able to continue to edit their maintenance worksheets online throughout the 5 year maintenance cycle. Uploading back up documentation is optional at this time, however if you are selected for audit, you’ll be contacted to submit the documentation if you have not done so upon submission. Use the submit button only when your cycle has ended and you have sufficient points. 

We  recognize these past years have been challenging for everyone to gather points to use for their maintenance. As such, the Board has voted to accept a 15% reduction in maintenance points for the year 2020. If your 5-year cycle includes the 2020 year, ROH will require 42.5 maintenance points, and ROHT will require 34 maintenance points. 

Please login to begin or continue entering your registration maintenance points for your current 5-year cycle. Onced logged in, select the Registration Maintenance tab, and then select “Start RM Worksheet”

ROH Guide

ROHT Guide

If there are any questions or comments about the ROH® or ROHT® registration maintenance process or awarding of points, click the Contact Us button to contact Jodi Johnson, Registration Maintenance Coordinator.